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Reverse Engineering to Emulate Ink Cartridges for a Epson Printer
  • For the past two years, I’ve been planning to build myself a 3D printer from some old Inkjet printers that I had collected over the years. But not until two weeks ago had I actually started to work on it.

    The 3D printer I want to made uses a ink jets to print a chemical onto a building platform. The building platform goes down as a new layer of powder is spread onto it. Then a chemical is sprayed from the print head that will cause powder to bind. If you want more information on these kinds of printers look here

    My printer of choice was an old Epson Stylus C63 for these reasons:
    1. The ink cartridges only supply ink, they do not have ink jet nozzles themselves
    2. I can attach rubber hoses or some other form of tubing that allows me to print another chemical of my choosing
    3. The print head nozzles uses a piezoelectric material to produce droplets of ink (lasts much longer than thermal inkjets)
    4. Most service manuals for Epson Printers come with a detailed schematic of the main board.

    Note: Due to certain circumstances, this printer had already been pulled apart.

    The first thing I needed to do was get my printer running so I could plug my logic analyser in and look at the signals, the problem was that I was missing one ink cartridge so the printer refused to print, or do anything.
    Due to my budget (jobless and about to start university) I decided to try and Emulate the missing cartridge, or all of them using one microcontroller, thus allowing me to move forward and using water for the print head instead of ink that stains.

  • So in order to emulate the ink cartridges, I need to know how they work first. Luckily the ink cartridges in my printer have simple EEPROMs that hold the ink usage and other important information about the ink cartridge such as the expiration date, colour, serial number and so on.

    Inside the print head, there is a circuit board with pads mapped out that are an exact mirror of the pads on the ink cartridges and a ribbon cable that connects this board up to the main board on pins 1 to 6.

    A quick look at the schematic for the main board reveals that pins 1 – 6 are named CVDD, CSDA, CRST, GND, CSCK and COI.

    With these signal names I decided it would be best to draw out a schematic of the connecting board as it was not present in the service manual. This revealed that CSDA, CSCK, CRST have 100KOhm Pull-Down resistors, a bit unusual in my opinion as it’s not like I2C (uses Pull-Up Resistors typically 1.8KOhms to 47KOhms). The COI signal connects serially to the ink cartridges but on the end is shorted to GND. Curiously I tested the continuity of the pads on the ink cartridges and found that they are shorted, this means that when COI is grounded, all ink cartridges are present.

  • Now that I know the signal names, I wanted to see what the signals themselves looked like.
    I got out my soldering iron, a ribbon cable (used to be an IDE cable from an old computer) and a craft knife. I cut 6 wire wide ribbon cable about 30cm long, stripped the ends carefully using the craft knife (a lot easier to use a craft knife to strip a ribbon cable than a pair of clippers or pliers), and soldered them onto the circuit board that mates with the ink cartridges.
    I also stripped the other ends and soldered on some pins so I could plug them into my logic analyser.

    After plugging in the logic analyser into the circuit board and having a look at the signals, I found that immediately the SCK, SDA look nothing like I2C, I’m pretty sure that Epson must have invented their own serial protocol for talking to the EEPROMs inside the ink cartridges.

    What I found is that CVDD gets powered up and shortly after, CRST and CSDA go up at the exact same time shortly followed by CSCK which pulses. CSDA changes on the Rising Edge of the CSCK and I’ll assume it gets read on the Falling Edge.
    CSCK is Serial ClocK
    CSDA is Serial Data
    CRST is Reset
    and CVDD is the power
    Looks easy enough but I wanted more information about this protocol, were there any addresses being sent?

    I turned up the sample rate on my logic analyser and found that there are 4 clock cycles, a pause, then 8 cycles, pause, 8 more and so on. The 4 clock cycles at the beginning gave me the idea that the first four could possibly be a 4 bit address of the ink cartridge. Still a lot of information was unknown about this protocol. So I did some research!

    Googling around found nothing about this protocol, the next best place to look was in patents.
    Yes, patents, I searched for "Epson SDA SCK RST memory eeprom" on http://www.freepatentsonline.com/ and one of the patents I found (US7660008 ) contained exactly what I was looking for. It outlined the SCK, SDA, RST and VDD of the protocol.
    I’ll save you the hassle and point out what I found:
    1. Flow chart diagrams describing what the Host and Slave does
    2. A timing diagram of the protocol
    3. The first 3 bits are a 3bit address followed by a Read/Write bit (Read = 0, Write = 1)
    4. The address counter always starts at 0x00 and increments by 1 every clock cycle (This must mean it writes in bits, not bytes)
    5. The moment RST goes low, the EEPROM stops everything and resets itself
    6. There are 252 bits to read, the last 3 bits (actually they’re at the start) is the address of the ink cartridge.

    Using what I had found, I decided to start writing code

    What I wanted to do was read out the ROMs from the ink carts and then use those to try and emulate the missing ink cartridge I don’t have. This means creating a library that will act as a host to read the data but can also be used to emulate an ink cartridge.
    Using previous knowledge from creating software based protocols, I created a header file with these functions:
    • extern void epsnCartInit(void);
    • extern void epsnCartStart(unsigned char addr, unsigned char write);
    • extern void epsnCartStop(void);
    • extern void epsnCartWrite(unsigned char data);
    • extern unsigned char epsnCartRead(void);

    I also created the following definitions that help with remembering which pin was what:
    For you microcontroller, you will need to modify these values to suit your application

    #define _ecSCKTRIS TRISCbits.TRISC0
    #define _ecSDATRIS TRISCbits.TRISC1
    #define _ecRSTTRIS TRISCbits.TRISC2
    #define _ecVDDTRIS TRISBbits.TRISB1

    #define _ecSCKLat LATCbits.LATC0
    #define _ecSDALat LATCbits.LATC1
    #define _ecRSTLat LATCbits.LATC2
    #define _ecVDDLat LATBbits.LATB0

    #define _ecSCK PORTCbits.RC0
    #define _ecSDA PORTCbits.RC1
    #define _ecRST PORTCbits.RC2
    #define _ecVDD PORTBbits.RB1

    #define wait() DelayUS(50)

    Note: I used a PIC18F and used Latches for setting the outputs, it’s just my preference in choice. You’re welcome to use any microcontroller you’re familiar with.

    void epsnCartInit(){
    _epsnCartSCKTRIS = 0;
    _epsnCartSDATRIS = 0;
    _epsnCartRSTTRIS = 0;
    _epsnCartVDDTRIS = 0;

    _epsnCartSCK = 0;
    _epsnCartSDA = 0;
    _epsnCartRST = 0;
    _epsnCartVDD = 0;

    _epsnCartSCKLat = 0;
    _epsnCartSCKLat = 0;
    _epsnCartSCKLat = 0;
    _epsnCartSCKLat = 0;

    The start function pulls VDD high, waits, then sets SDA according to the address bit as well as SCK. Waits, pulls SCK low, waits yet again and then pulls SDA high accordingly to the address. This repeats 2 more times except on the 4th time, SDA is set Low because we want to read the data in the EEPROMs not write.

    void epsnCartStart(unsigned char addr,unsigned char write){
    char i = 0; // Used for counting
    char tmp = 0; // Temp storage variable

    _ecVDDLat = 1; // Set VDD High
    DelayMS(1); // Wait for the EEPROMs to get ready
    _ecRSTLat = 1; // Enable the EEPROMs for communication

    tmp = addr; // Copy the address into the temp variable
    if(write){ // If we want to write
    temp |= 0x08; //set the 4th bit high ( ‘|’ means OR )

    _ecSDALat = (tmp&0x01); // Set SDA High or Low according to the LSB

    wait(); // Wait roughly 50uS
    _ecSCKLat = 1; // Set Clock High
    wait(); // Wait another 50uS
    _ecSCKLat = 0; //Set Clock Low
    wait(); // Wait another 50uS
    tmp>>=1; //Right shift all the bits in tmp by one
    i++; // increment the counter by one


    The next function to implement is stop:
    void epsnCartStop(){
    _ecRSTLat = 0; //Set RST low
    DelayMS(1); //Wait a bit
    _ecVDDLat = 0; //Turn off the EEPROMS

    And finally the read function:
    unsigned char epsnCartRead(){
    char i=0;
    char temp = 0x00;

    temp>>=1; // Right shift the temp variable by one
    _ecSCKLat = 1; //set SCK High
    wait(); //Wait roughly 50uS
    if(_ecSDA){ // If SDA is high
    temp |= 0x80; // Then set bit 7 high
    _ecSCKLat = 0; // Bring SCK low again
    wait(); //wait another 50uS

    i++; // Increment the counter by 1
    return temp; // Return what we have read

    We now have the basic functions that we need to read data from the ink cartridges, lets set up our microcontroller and set the results.

  • Start up your IDE, in my case it's MPLab, create a new project for your chip and create a basic hello world program to make sure your chip is going.

    Note: My hello world program sends "Hello World!\r\n" over Serial to my computer at 38400bps

    #include <p18f2550.h> // Include file specific for this chip
    #include <usart.h> // USART Functions
    #include <stdio.h> // printf(format,...) , sprintf(string, format, ...), etc...

    #include "delay.h"

    void main(){

    PORTA = 0x00;
    PORTB = 0x00;
    PORTC = 0x00;

    TRISA = 0x00;
    TRISB = 0x00;
    TRISC = 0x00;

    ADCON1 = 0x0F; // This is such a trouble maker, never forget to turn the Analogue pins back to digital! :P

    TRISCbits.TRISC7 = 1; // Turns the RX pin into an input (look it up in your datasheet for your chip)


    putrsUSART("Hello World!\r\n"); // Send a message via Serial

    LATAbits.LATA0 = ~LATAbits.LATA0; //Flash an LED by toggling it on and off

    DelayMS(500); // A delay function I've created

    This was set up with a 3.3V power supply because the ink cartridges run on 3.3Volts

    Why a hello world program? Well, every time I set up a new project on a bread board, I always want to make sure I've got the configureation bits correct and that I'm not getting garbage in the terminal.

    I think this is good practice and everyone should do it! :P

    If your chip is doing something simple like mine, Great!! on to the next step

    Implementing Our Library
    Now we want to include the library we created for interfacing the microcontroller to the ink cartridge.

    At the top of the file add:
    #include "epsnCart.h" // the name of the header file we created earlier

    Since this microcontroller is pretending to be the host, it's controlling the SCK, SDA and RST signals. so make sure they're outputs, add this with the other TRIS registers inside main():


    The next bit of code is what I used inside of the while(1) {
    It requests an address starting at 0x00 then increments by one after 32 read bytes:

    void main(){
    char addr = 0, i = 0;
    char string[40];

    epsnCartInit(); // Initialised the pins used

    while(1){ // Loop forever!

    sprintf(string, "Reading cartridge with addr: 0x%02X\r\n",addr);
    putsUSART(string); // prints a messge like: Reading cartridge with addr: 0x03

    epsnCartStart(addr,0); // Start by sending the address in read mode

    i = 0;
    while(i<32){ // keep looping until i is no longer less than 32

    epsnCartStop(); //brings RST back low


    addr = 0;

    You're probably looking at the line "sprintf(string,"0x%02X,",epsnCartRead());" and going "Huh?"
    sprintf is a string formatting function, much like printf except saves the formatted string into the variable string.
    "0x%02X," will return a string with a readable hexadecimal value eg: 0xFE and epsnCartRead() returns a value that was read from the ink cart

    This was set up with a 3.3V power supply because the ink cartridges run on 3.3Volts

    I programmed this to my microcontroller, disconnected the print head from the printer to prevent interference.
    I then plugged in the 3 ink cartridges I had and turned it on.

    Note: At this point, if you ran this code for the first time, I would expect you have problems. Like me, I've gone over the code dozens of times, changing it here and there to make it work. It's normal if it doesn't work the first time for you. It's a great learning experience figuring out what went wrong! :P

  • phew, after all that hard work, it's alive!!!

    Here is what I got of my terminal

    Addr: 0x01

    Addr: 0x02

    Addr: 0x03

    Addr: 0x04

    Addr: 0x05

    Addr: 0x06

    Addr: 0x07

    Now, see here how only the odd address returned data except 0x05?
    That's because 0x05 is the address of the Magenta ink cartridge which I don't have sadly :(

  • Emulation Code Routines
    Now the fun part!

    I need the printer to think that there are four ink cartridges installed 聚焦离子束fib多少钱, to do this we need to implement some emulation functions first. Again from previous knowledge I have predefined these in the header:

    • #define epsnCartReady() (_ecRST)
    • extern unsigned char espnCartGetAddr(void);
    • extern void epsnCartOut(unsigned char data);
    • extern unsigned char epsnCartIn(unsigned char data);

    epsnCartReady is a macro that is used check if the printer has RST set high.
    epsnCartGetAddr returns the address that the print head is requesting.
    epsnCartOut is used to send data to the Host controller
    epsnCartIn is used to receive data from the Host when it’s writing

    So this time, instead of controlling the SCK to go high or low, we need it to wait for it to go high or low, but if the reset goes low, then stop everything and return:

    unsigned char espnCartGetAddr(void){
    char i=0;
    char temp = 0x00;

    while((i<4) && _ecRST){ // Loop while i < 4 and RST is HIGH
    temp>>=1; // Right Shift Temp by one
    while((!_ecSCK) && (_ecRST)); // Wait for the clock to go high
    if(_ecSDA){// only if SDA is high
    temp |= 0x08; // then set the 4th bit
    while((_ecSCK) && (_ecRST));// wait for the clock to go low
    i++; // increment the counter

    if(_ecRST == 0){
    return 0xFF;//if RST went low, means the Host killed the signal
    return temp; //return the address and the read/write bit

    And the Out function:

    void epsnCartOut(unsigned char data){
    char i = 0;
    char temp = data;

    _ecSDATRIS = 0; // set the SDA to output
    _ecSDALat = 0; // set SDA low

    while((i<8) && _ecRST){ // Loop while I < 8 and RST is high
    while(!_ecSCK && _ecRST); // Wait for SCK to go high
    _ecSDALat = temp&0x01; // fib focused ion beam how much Set SDA high or low according to the first bit

    while(_ecSCK && _ecRST); // Wait for SCK to go low
    temp>>=1; // Right shift the data by one
    i++; // increment the counter by one
    _ecSDATRIS = 1; // Set SDA to an output
    _ecSDA = 1; // not sure if this is needed

    And finally the In function:

    unsigned char epsnCartIn(void){
    unsigned char i=0;
    char temp = 0x00;

    while((i<8) && _ecRST){ // Loop while I < 8 and RST is high
    temp>>=1; // Right Shift the temp by one
    while(!_ecSCK && _ecRST); // Wait for SCK to go High
    if(_ecSDA){ //only id SDA is high
    temp |= 0x80; // Set the 8th bit

    while(_ecSCK && _ecRST);// Wait for SCK to go low
    i++; // Increment the counter by one
    return temp; // return what we have received

    So what happens now is that we need to set up our microcontroller to contain the data we have dumped. Then allow the printer host to read and write to it.

    Now the problem with this is that I don’t want my fake ink cartridges to ever get used up, so to do that is we have a fixed dump that the microcontroller will load into ram everytime it starts up. This will allow the printer to not only read, but write to it as well. When the microcontroller is powered off then back on, the previous data is restored. (Double Bonus)

    Storing data arrays in the microcontroller, place this somewhere under the include, but before void main()

    Note: This may vary between different microcontroller families, but it works nicely with my PIC18F

    ram unsigned char black[32] = {0x10,0x00,0x02,0xF2,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x50,0x90,0x6A,0x17,0xE3,0x54,0xA3,
    ram unsigned char cyan[32] = {0x4C,0x04,0x01,0xF2,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x50,0x90,0x5A,0x19,0xF0,0x94,0x03,
    ram unsigned char yellow[32] = {0x4A,0x04,0x01,0xF2,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x50,0x90,0x6A,0x8B,0xC9,0xA4,0x41,

    Note: Noticed that I don’t have Magenta? That’s because that’s the ink cartridge I don’t have.

    The next step is to write a routine that checks which ink cartridge is being requested, and allow the host to read and write to it.
    This is how I did it:

    void main(){
    unsigned char* inkPtr;
    char addr = 0x00;



    while(epsnCartReady()==1); // Wait for the Ready signal to go back to low

    addr = espnCartGetAddr();

    if(addr&0x7 == 0x01){ // if the first 3 bits is equal to 0x01
    inkPtr = &black[0]; // Point to the black data
    }else if(addr&0x7 == 0x03){ // if the first 3 bits is equal to 0x03
    inkPtr = &cyan[0]; // Point to the cyan data
    }else if(addr[i]&0x7 == 0x05){
    inkPtr = &cyan[0]; // This is meant to be Magenta, but I don’t have that
    }else if(addr[i]&0x7 == 0x07){
    inkPtr = &yellow[0];
    continue: // Go back to the beginning of the main loop because we don't know this address

    if(addr&0x08){//WriteMode – Check to see if the Host wants to write
    while(epsnCartReady()){//keep looping until RST goes low
    *inkPtr = epsnCartIn();
    // the data the pointer is pointing to
    // gets written with new data
    inkPtr++; // Increment the Pointer
    }else{//Read Mode
    // Output the data the Pointer is pointing to
    inkPtr++; // Inrement the pointer

    After programming this new code and turning on my printer, the printer accepted 4 imaginary cartridges thanks to my microcontroller. I'm also quite shocked that I accepted the cyan ink cartridge data for magenta aswell!

    This is a huge achievement for me as this is my first real world reverse engineering I’ve ever done and I got promising results.
    Now I can continue with turning the printer into a 3D printer

    I hope you guys liked this, this is my second instructable and this took me a while to write :P

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